




NEW DATE: Coming Soon


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

M. J. Hootidis: Introduction/New Zealand Font

Who am I, you ask?

So, as you should know from our first post, I’m M. J. Hootidis. You know, the one that types everything and thinks that the Caps Lock key is your friend. The “Hootidis” is a combination of “hoot” and “arthritis”. I have no idea about the last word, so don’t ask me why I thought of it…although that’s kind of a paradox, isn’t it?

But, introduction, done.

Besides, I’m supposed to post today, aren’t I? So I’m not going to waste my time explaining every single little intricate detail about myself. I have enough people stalking me already. Take the following, a true scenario:

Me: *Is innocently playing piano inside house*

[Does not notice U-dawg standing outside afore-mentioned house—thank you to Adollar for notifying me of this rather stalker-ish behavior. Yesterday.]

I didn’t even type this thing up until, like, five-thirty p.m. Something about a…

Never mind. You don’t need to know about the woes of my life. I will not bombard you with a post complaining about how horrible New Year’s Eve in New York City is with a bunch of kissing people.. Promise.

Instead, I’ll talk about New Zealand. Notice my "parting picture" to you all in the first post, which, if you hadn't read the heading, is the flag of New Zealand. (By the way, notice the large size of the flag compared to the teeny tiny hot chocolate above it. It was intentional.)

Yes, New Zealand is undoubtedly the best place in the whole wide world. Behold, the picture below:

See? My friends, this is a place in New Zealand known as"Tekapo". New Zealand is wonderful for a lot of other reasons, too, but that info will be saved for later...something that's not going to mentioned in this post, but whatever.
Uh huh. No, really, did you see that? It's picture-perfect. But getting to the point...

The following idea is credited to M. P. Soupful, because I was seriously considering posting on the "World's Weirdest Martial Arts Move", which I think that I have actually found, before this rather wonderful idea of Soupful's.

So we were in math class (at least, I think that it was math class...or maybe it was Earth Science), which happened to be first period, when I told M. P. Soupful (in a rather desperate manner, I may add) that I would be posting on martial arts. She looked at me as if I were crazy, and we went yada yada yada for a few moments while our math teacher stared at us like we were crazy, until in a stroke of brilliance, M. P. Soupful suggested that I make a "New Zealand font".

Of course, I can't exactly make a font in a day (or in five years, for that matter...), so I just went on "Dafonts.com" or whatever it's called, and browsed through the fonts that looked even remotely close to M. P. Soupful's, because her handwriting is so...New Zealand-y. (She'll tell you otherwise. Everyone else will agree with me.) So I randomly picked out three fonts, and "critiqued" them as to which one would be the best font for New Zealand, as follows:
  • Is it nice-looking?
  • Is it proper?
  • Does it look like M. P. Soupful's handwriting?
Font 1 (I seem to have forgotten to remember the name)

Well, it certainly looks nice enough, what with the subtle curves (stop....You know you were thinking it) and dips it has. Very much like some hilly features. It definitely looks like it could belong to NZ. The only problem with it is that it doesn't look anything like M. P. Soupful's handwriting, which is more wavy/angular/slanted/New Zealand-y. Oh, well...can't ask for everything. But I like it.

Riesling doesn't really look like it should be named Riesling, should it? It looks almost like it belongs to the Golden Gate Bridge, or maybe a newspaper. It's a little too "perfect", if you get what I mean, but it doesn't look half-bad. 
It doesn't help that this is a far cry from M. P. Soupful's handwriting, so my verdict is that this shouldn't be "the" NZ font.

Tim's Grocery Store
I'll give the "e"'s the distinction of looking slightly like M. P. Soupful's handwriting, probably because this font actually looks vaguely like handwriting. It shouldn't be on a grocery store's logo...and I like the style of it. It doesn't strike you as NZ-like (then again, does anything unless you think about it?), but it could certainly give Font 1 a run for its money. Except for it's name. The name's gotta be changed.
So out of these three candidates, which one do you think is the most NZ-like? (I personally like Font 1 the best. Go figure; the one without a proper name is the most NZ-like...) Leave a comment telling me (us, really) which font you think is the most appropriate. Like the teachers always say (sometimes), there is no wrong answer...so leave us your opinion.

("Yeah, Mom, I'll go back to Castle Learning now...")

See you guys!

Love (no, really),
M. J. Hootidis

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ask Adollar: Does cream cheese taste good with PBJ?


1.) What's so great about "Ask Adollar"? Asked by M. P. Soupful

Adollar Cat: 'Cuz my name is in it. You may also actually learn something or get some good life advice...and you can listen to us rant on about things.

U-dawg: Nothing. It should be "Ask U-dawg", if you ask me.

2.) How did you come up with those nicknames? Asked by M. P. Soupful

Adollar Cat: Don't listen to U-dawg, my story is the right one. In seventh grade, I told my friend Yemily Bird that my grandma called me Adollar when I was little. The "Cat" came from a character who was fat we named on "Monster Galaxy". U-dawg came from a substitute teacher who couldn't pronounce U-dawg's real name.

U-dawg: One day in seventh grade, Adollar mentioned how a substitute teacher had called her "Adollar". I thought that this was a wonderful nickname, so I just started calling her it. "Cat" was because cats are epic.

3.) Does cream cheese taste good with PBJ? Asked by hulagrrl28

Adollar Cat: Yes, fat mixed with fruit guts and peanut poop tastes amazing. But then again, I'm a food addict, so everything I eat tastes good.

U-dawg: No. In fact, this combination can have serious medical side-effects. Those include arm-loss, leg-loss, and a rare but serious ocndition known as life-loss. In short, it doesn't.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

M. P. Soupful: New Years

Good Morning/Afternoon/Night, all my wonderful viewers!

Before I get to the real post, I just wanted to point out a mistake on our blog that some of you might have noticed. (If you haven't noticed, then you aren't wonderful anymore. JK.)

On the pages for Ask Adollar and Guest Posts it says they will be posted on Fridays, whereas in our previous post, we told you all it was on Thursdays. Well, your correct day is Thursday, and I'll fix the mistake right after I post this. (So basically, unless you're a really alert/stalker-ish follower, you aren't going to see the mistake. Ha-ha.)

Moving on.

Happy late New Year!

I hope you all had a great time visiting your grandma and whatnot.

I didn't visit my grandma.

Instead, my family ate TONS of fish all cooked Chinese style, and covered in...stuff.

Sort of like this:

See the fish? It's somewhere down there.....

And now I have this inner hatred for Chinese cooked fish. I loved New Years.

But do you know who I bet loved New Years day? All those people who went to New York City to see the huge ball drop! Sarcasm. Sarcasm

I went, like, 3 years ago or something, and it was traumatic. Simply horrible.

I don't know what it was like for any of you, but here's how it went for me.

So, my family and I got to New York City at around 9 or so at night. Obviously, there were a load of people in Times Square already, but we just didn't want to wait there for 3 hours, so we just sort of milled around looking at window decorations and such.

My favorite is the one right outside of some jewelry store, where they have all those moving characters. It's like a movie! We almost went into the American Girl store (the little sister's idea...thank god it was already closed), and finally at 11, we headed to Time's Square.

It was PACKED. We didn't even make it to the stupid Times Square. We had to climb up a bunch of step things to see.

Then there's was the boredom. What did you expect? An hour just waiting. At least we had benches to sit on.

We spent some time watching a movie on my dad's iPod for about half an hour, until it died, then the rest of the time we just stared at all the other people, and tried to guess what their job was.

Slowly, more and more people began to fill come, until I was surrounded!

That might not seem so bad to all of you, but there were a pack of people behind me who were talking about what size adult diapers they were wearing at the moment. That of course reminded me that I had to go the bathroom, but all the stores were closed. Ergo, me cursing that bottle of water I chugged down.

So yeah, I saw the ball, but honestly, I thought the countdown clock was more impressive than it. It was so much smaller than I imagines it to be

Obviouusly at 11:59, the chanting started, and I wish I had brought earplugs. Not like that would've helped that much either. The ground was shaking, and everyone was with there blue balloon stick things.

The ball started flashing colors, and after 60 loooong seconds, it stopped, disapeared, and everyone exploded.

Screaming, confetti, people started kissing each other (by the looks on their faces, I wasn't even sure if they knew each other). A suprising amount of people started trying to imitate thiis famous couple:

 But looked like this instead:

People crying and hugging and yelling, and there I was, little me, covering my eyes while simultaneously yelling my lungs out. It was pathetic.

And there you have it. My New Years story. I'm sure you all had a much better time than I did!

Happy Resolution-Keeping!

M. P. Soupful